Attend a course in Scientology. Life is stable and rewarding when you can handle it, and this is the simple and practical way to learn how.

Here is the means to new ability and lasting security in the workplace—all from the application of Scientology to the workaday world, using principles from The Problems of Work book by L. Ron Hubbard.
Conducted by trained specialists, this course provides personal instruction in application of Scientology tools so you can use its discoveries to improve your life and increase happiness at once.
On What Does Success Depend?
- Is it intelligence?
- Is it hard work?
- Is it who you know?
- Or is it luck?
By knowing the underlying rules of life and applying these principles, you can achieve security in your job, relationships and all other areas of living.
“Here, we have Scientology assisting the worker and the executive in assisting Man to be more competent and more able, less tired and more secure in the workaday world.”

Life is composed of seven-tenths work, one-tenth familial, one-tenth political and one-tenth relaxation. Here, then, is Scientology applied to that crucial seven-tenths of existence.
The Personal Efficiency Course contains the senior principles and laws which apply to every endeavor, every problem of work. For they are the discoveries which lay bare the core of these problems and explain the very fabric of life itself. The breakthroughs detailed here include:
- The Anatomy of Confusion—and its cure
- The Doctrine of the Stable Datum—the most fundamental law of work, and living
- The Anatomy of Control—and how to turn "bad control" to good
- The "Secret" of Efficiency
- The most fundamental elements of life—Affinity, Reality and Communication
- The Eight Dynamics—and how life can be understood by compartmenting it into eight main divisions
- And, the rock-bottom cause of Exhaustion, with the powerful Scientology processes that return the energy of youth
Here, then, is not only technology to bring stability to the workplace, but the magic
processes to return joy itself to all of life. For this is Scientology.

Conducted by trained specialists, this course provides personal instruction in the application of Scientology tools so you can use these discoveries to improve your life and increase happiness at once.

1. On What Does Success Depend?
Is it intelligence? Is it hard work? Is it who you know? Or is it luck? By knowing the underlying rules of life and applying their principles, you will achieve security in your job, relationships and all other areas of living.

2. Confusion
Learn to conquer chaos by implementing a single principle that stabilizes confusion and creates order. By understanding what confusion is actually made of, you can stop it instantly.

3. The Anatomy of Control
Everyone uses control—all activities require it. But to many people, "control" has a bad name. Learn the difference between "good" and "bad" control. The factors determining your ability to control are explained in this course.

4. Affinity, Reality & Communication
Creating, understanding and improving human relationships hinges on three things, Affinity, Reality and Communication (A-R-C). Learn how A-R-C is used to improve every part of life.

5. A-R-C & the Tone Scale
Is it possible to predict if someone is going to be trustworthy, a good employee or a good friend? Human emotions can seem to be unpredictable if one does not understand the Tone Scale. These are vital tools for handling all manner of human relationships.

6. The Eight Dynamics
Discover how life can be understood by compartmenting it into eight main divisions. The Eight Dynamics is a Scientology breakthrough that opens up an entirely new comprehension of life and shows how it can be lived to the fullest.

7. Exhaustion
Many people believe that the answer to exhaustion is energy. But in truth, energy has little, if anything, to do with it. Understand exhaustion and learn an exact procedure that anyone can apply to defeat it.

8. The One Who Succeeds
What exactly does it take to be successful? Here is a summary of the principles and elements presented in the Personal Efficiency Course. By understanding, integrating and applying them into your daily life, success can be yours.

“And when you see the truth of life you can then make better decisions about everything else. Every single thing I put my mind towards all of a sudden just started to fly.”—Nicole

“I went, ‘OK, this is simple, let me go try it.’ I felt completely better and I went, ‘Oh my God.’ How could something so simple work so fast and then do exactly what it said it would do in the book?”—Jim
- Free testing
- A film presentation that illustrates the Scientology principles of the book The Problems of Work
- A complete course kit
- The Problems of Work: Scientology Applied to the Workaday World book by L. Ron Hubbard
Delivered at the
Hubbard Academy of Personal Independence
The Personal Efficiency Course is delivered by trained specialists in Scientology organizations around the world.
Our Church provides for the delivery of all Dianetics and Scientology Introductory Services. These include evening and weekend seminars offering an overview of fundamental principles and their application in life.