To make The Way to Happiness universally available, the Way to Happiness Foundation presents all campaign elements online at an interactive website where visitors read the booklet and view all PSAs as well as excerpts from the book-on-film.
The website organises the information and tools of The Way to Happiness for ease of access and use by all:
■ Teachers can order the Way to Happiness Educator’s Package, including the 213-page Educator’s Guide.
■ The website is built to facilitate several learning environments and includes the complete lesson plan. Teachers may deliver the online curriculum to students right in the classroom. Tutors and home school teachers can customise the curriculum for the needs of their students.
■ Parents can find suggestions on the use of these materials to help their children develop a strong sense of personal integrity, honesty and concern for the welfare of others.
■ Young people, faced with moral choices that will affect the rest of their lives, can watch the PSAs and excerpts from The Way to Happiness book-on-film and invite their friends to do the same. In this way, they gain or strengthen values that will enhance their survival and that of their friends and families.
■ Anyone may download The Way to Happiness booklet or order their own personalised copies to pass on to others. The online cover gallery displays over 2,600 customised Way to Happiness covers—with a wide variety of businesses, clubs, nonprofits, government agencies and individuals spreading the message in their own communities.